Guides and Strategy Documents for these Challenging Times
Resource Centre

take for granted. In this period of tremendous change to the status quo globally, the reality is, whilst science and governments have their views and associated strategy on what happens next, nobody really knows.
This uncertainty can create unwelcome worry and fear which is what we are currently witnessing in all aspects of our daily life. You can see it on people’s faces, and hear it in their voices. Naturally, this is exacerbated by the incessant flow of information on every form of media awash with negative and depressing content. We are scared for our health and for the health of our loved ones, we are scared of the economic impact, we are scared of not being in control, and now we are even scared of each other.
Fear is a natural human instinct. The brain is designed to protect us in the moment, for the sake of survival. It’s always looking for what’s wrong, so you can fight, run away from threat, or freeze. But if you do one of these three things every time you are fearful, you’re going to be constantly fighting, running away, or putting your life on hold.
As humans, we have the ability to control our behaviour, to train ourselves to be emotionally fit and create an inner strength, a psychology of resilience. Right now, with what is happening in the world, it really is a time where we have to be more consciously aware than ever, to ensure we keep ourselves and those around us emotionally, spiritually and physically healthy. This time won’t last forever and a new normal will soon take it’s place. There are many things outside of our control right now, however, what we can control is what we choose to do with our time. What we choose to focus on, how we construct a new daily routine than sees us through this turbulence and ensure we emerge out of this stronger than ever.
If your normal routine doesn’t afford you as much time as you would like in your relationships, use this time to reconnect with your friends and loved ones. If you haven’t had the chance to review your personal and work goals , now would be a great time to do just that. A great time to set some new challenges and architect a plan for the life that you want to live. Create your blueprint. Plan. Learn. Grow. Achieve.
Stay Safe, Be Strong and see you on the other side.
Stronger Together
t is safe to say that we will have all experienced a huge upheaval at home and work over the past few weeks. In normal times (whatever that looks like!), we know our daily routine with a degree of certainty. When (and where) we will be going on our family break, who we are socialising with at the weekend, all the things that we

Imran Hakim
Supporting you througH uncharted waters

he last few weeks have been turbulent to say the least. But something we should be proud of, is how we have seen the independent optical community pool our expertise and realise we are stronger together.
We are now finding some form of new routine - this paradigm shift in how we live, how we interact and the restriction imposed on us, has challenged our thinking. It has forced us to make difficult decisions and certainly taken most of us far outside our comfort zones. For how long we do not know. What we do know is that the stress induced over the last few weeks will impact us in different ways.
With this in mind, the team at Hakim Group has organised sought after presenters who are at the top of their game, to help and support the HG family. In our spirit of togetherness, we would like to share this with you and your teams as we progress through these uncharted waters. The speakers are experts in well being, mindset and business. They will help you make the most of this period and prepare you and your teams for the inevitable busyness when restrictions are lifted.
The webinars form a guide to empower you for a successful future both in work and at home. The speakers lined up usually command thousands of pounds for their expertise, but in the spirit of sharing these webinars with you, they are being offered to you at no cost.
All we ask is that if you feel it is appropriate and you are able to, you make a donation to our charity to support NHS workers.
This is our way as a community to support those who are helping and supporting us and our loved ones.
This event is open to you and your team as you feel appropriate.
Best wishes,
Gavin Rebello
Wellbeing, Personal and Leadership Development - Hakim GroupSight Care Premium Mentor/Coach