Guides and Strategy Documents for these Challenging Times
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Please use the contents of this website to help you inform your ideas in navigating the COVID-19 challenge.
The purpose of this website is to create a repository of useful info from the many updates that we are bombarded with daily. It is purely to help in any decisions you are making for yourself, your teams and your business.
Please excuse any spelling errors, typos, etc as the purpose of this has been more about getting information out quickly rather than word perfect or aesthetically appealing.
No endorsements are made by the contributors and any information or resources used are all at your discretion. The site developers accept no liability for the accuracy of the information. Site users will have to form their own views - further information on this here.
Any data held will be destroyed once we are over this challenging period and the website will be taken down.
Please use responsibly and may you find some value in the contents.
Thank you to everyone who contributes any content for the greater good of the industry over the coming weeks.
Best Wishes to all of you and your families,
Luke Wren
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